Giving back during the Holiday Season is important. So many years we rush around from store to store trying to find that one perfect gift for that special someone and we stand in long lines on Black Friday just to get the best deals. There are many of us that are fortunate just to have the opportunity to even shop for a gift. We may be able to provide for our own families and for ourselves, but there are many children out there that will not have a gift to open on Christmas morning.
The truth is that Santa Claus is not just make-believe. There are different names that he has gone by in the past and not all of them are fictitious characters. He represents the act of giving freely without the recognition, thanks, praise or reciprocation. It is being kind and generous. It is remembering the holidays should be filled with fun, happiness, love, joy and best of all…MAGIC! Santa is the energy and spirit in every one of us. We just need to have the hope that we can all bring him back to life!
Macomb Insurance Mart has decided to be a local drop off for Marine Toys for Tots. Please bring in any new, unwrapped toy to our office for donation. You may also DONATE in other ways to this organization. We believe in who Santa Claus is and what he stands for. Hopefully, you will also choose to be a part of the joy that a child receives when they wake up Christmas morning to realize that Santa does exist.